New Hope Christian Fellowship's Beliefs

401 S. Lincoln, Ponca City, Oklahoma

We believe that Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary,

 lived a sinless life and died on the cross.

That He rose from the dead and is seated in

 Heaven and will return to glory and power.

Jesus Christ was and is and will always be

 the second person of the God head and is deity.


We believe that all the gifts of the 

 Holy Sprit found are valid for today.

 Each believer is given gifts and callings from

the Lord to glorify God

 and build up the body of Christ.


We believe that salvation is a gift from God

and cannot be earned or maintained

by any merit on our part.


We believe in the eternal security of the believer.

Once truly received, salvation cannot be lost.

Salvation comes from grace only through

faith only in the atoning work of Jesus at Calvary.

We believe that at salvation man's sins

are not only forgiven but his spirit is

made alive to God  by the Holy Spirit indwelling it.

We believe man does not do good works

to get saved or to maintain his salvation;

 rather, man does good works because he is saved.

Our view on eternal security is if you are

truly saved you are forever saved.

This does not mean that a person is

free to live in a sinful and unbiblical fashion.

We feel that as Christians we must strive for unity.

This requires that we agree on the essential

 of the Christian faith, agree to disagree

on the nonessentials, and strive to have love in all else

Our time on earth is limited

and we see ourselves more

 as Christians than a particular denomination.

We are a church that believes that

Jesus gives true hope for broken,

 shattered lives, and real healing is

 found only in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

When you visit us you will not find a perfect church.

You will find people seeking to walk with the Lord.

Reaching out to the lost and hurting and

striving to love and care for each other.

Therefore it is our goal to impact our families,

neighborhood, city and world with the  life

giving and life changing gospel of

Jesus Christ through personal

and corporate evangelism.

New Hope Christian Fellowship's the Four Pillars of our beliefs.

1. New Hope Christian Fellowship will be a worshipful fellowship.

We believe that our great purpose is to worship and

glorify God.

2. New Hope Christian Fellowship will be an equipping fellowship.

We will strive to love each other, our community and the world

we live in with the love that the Lord loves us with.

3. New Hope Christian Fellowship will be an evangelistic fellowship.

We believe that the Lord established the five fold ministry

found in Ephesians 4: 11-14 to equip the saints

to carry out the work of the ministry.

4. New Hope Christian Fellowship will be an evangelistic fellowship.

We believe that God uses 3 things to reach an unsaved world

in order to reveal Himself. The Bible, His word and the Holy Spirit

to enlighten people to the truth and draw men to Himself and

the child of God to be his instruments that carries the Gospel.


For more information please come join us for Sunday service or one of our Bible studies! All are welcome!